Student loan repayment plans such as the SAVE Program exist in order to help graduates cover their student loan debt in a financially sound manner. This is an initiative from the Department of Education, a program named 'Saving on a Valuable Education' (SAVE). A plan that has generousmonthly payment formulas that also help the student to accumulate interest for not meeting their deadlines. However, there are also some issues with this program that we need to discuss. Here are the pros and the cons of the SAVE Program dedicated to all the graduates with student loan debt.
Even if you don't believe it, this might seem like a good plan but this is not student loan forgiveness. You will still be required to pay your loans religiously. This repayment option will not forgive your loans in an instant as President Joe Biden's plan probably would've. Another con is that this plan takes into full effect next year. There are borrowers who will get enrolled right away and automatically but there are some features that won't be an option until 2024. Unfortunately, this includes forgiveness for borrowers.
You can actually have better earnings than the average with the SAVE plan, you may be able to earn up to $32,800 (or up to $67,500 for a family of four) without the need of paying for your loans on the SAVE plan. You can also say goodbye to capitalized interest. If you keep making your required monthly payment, your balance will remain the same as you don't get extra interests. IDR applications require for your spouse to co-sign it but the SAVE Plan allows you to not ned that signature.
Despite the Supreme Court's decision to not allow Presidet Biden's original student loan forgiveness plan to move forward, this new SAVE Plan was the backup. You no longer have to worry about having to earn a specific limit and cover your student loan payments in check at the same time. SAVE adjusts what borrowers will have to repay but always based on how much they earn. We know it's not complete forgiveness but borrowers on this plan can expect forgiveness in as little as 10 years. If that's not enough for you, you need to consider your situation before making any major decisions.